Beef Lettuce Wraps 開胃生菜包

How cute is these little lettuce bowls?! Very crispy -cruchy lettuce wrapped with delicious, spicy minced beef, definitely great appetizer, party food or weekday dinner!

Beef Lettuce Wraps

All the cooking has to be quick and easy in summer, can’t stand facing the fire when is boiling hot! These lettuce wraps are perfect for summer! The minced beef are so tasty and spicy, with lettuce as a bowl to wrap everything in, just SO GOOD!

Only takes 15 minutes to make, you can add anything you like with beef, chicken or pork. Great idea for hosting dinner party so you guest can help themselves with a little bit fun! Enjoy!

Beef Lettuce Wraps



Beef Lettuce Wraps

Marinate the minced beef (or whatever meat you use) for 30 minutes. Heat oil in hot pan, cook the minced beef and then drain the oil, set aside.

先用 醃料 醃牛肉30分鐘。燒熱鑊後下油,先炒牛肉至全熟,然後瀝乾油份,備用2016-06-26_22.03.40

Add little bit oil, cook the minced garlic, chilli and bell pepper for a minutes. Add in beef, spring onions and season with salt and pepper. Cook for a minute, then it is done! Serve and wrap with lettuce. 

再下少許油,炒蒜蓉,辣椒和甜椒 (下少許鹽和黑胡椒粉調味)再下蔥末和牛肉,炒一分鐘即可。用生菜包著牛肉享用~

Beef Lettuce Wraps

Beef Lettuce Wraps
Serves 4
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 300 gram minced beef
  2. 1 teaspoon garlic, minced
  3. 1/2 bell pepper, chopped
  4. spring onion
  5. lettuce
For the Beef Marinate
  1. 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  2. 1 teapsoon sugar
  3. 1 teaspoon cornstach
  4. 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  5. 1 tablespoon water
  6. 材料:
  7. 免治牛肉 -300克
  8. 甜椒(切丁)-半個
  9. 辣椒(切碎) -1-2條
  10. 蒜蓉 -1茶匙
  11. 蔥花 -適量
  12. 生菜 -適量
  13. 醃料:
  14. 生抽 -1湯匙
  15. 糖 -1茶匙
  16. 粟粉 -1茶匙
  17. 麻油 -1茶匙
  18. 水 -1湯匙
  1. Marinate the minced beef (or whatever meat you use) for 30 minutes. Heat oil in hot pan, cook the minced beef and then drain the oil, set aside.
  2. Add little bit oil, cook the minced garlic, chilli and bell pepper for a minutes.
  3. Add in beef, spring onions and season with salt and pepper. Cook for a minute, then it is done! Serve and wrap with lettuce.
Mrs P's Kitchen
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Beef Lettuce Wraps
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