Chinese Pork Jerky 蜜汁豬肉乾

Homemade Chinese pork jerky with honey- glazed, soft, tender, juicy with sweet and savoury flavour. Homemade verison is very easy to make, without any preservatives, coloring and less sodium.  A lot healthier and super finger-licking food!

Chinese Pork Jerky

Does anyone also find the store-bought pork jerky become more and more expensive? The taste is not as good as before, very salty! So I decide to make it at home, it turned out….so D E L I C I O U S!

I cannot believe it is THAT easy to make jerky at home! What you need is marinated ground meat, then roll it into thin slices and bake it. The meat is tender, little bit crispy with honey-glazed. You can also make other flavour, like this time, I add slightly more black pepper. 

Please try and you will love it, promise!

Chinese Pork Jerky



Chinese Pork Jerky

Marinate the grounded pork, use chopsticks to mix the grounded meat with all the seasoning for few minutes. Put it in fridge for at least 3 hours, overnight even better.


Use foil wrap the baking sheet first, then put parchment paper on top. Divide the pork into 3 portions, put one portion into a plastic bag, then roll it into thin slice (thickness according to your desire). Use scissor to cut both sides of the bag, then tear it, place the pork on the parchment paper. Chinese Pork Jerky

用錫紙包好烤盤備用。將蜂蜜與水拌勻成蜜汁備用。將豬絞肉分成三等份,先將其中一份放入塑膠袋內。然後用擀麵棍擀開,擀平均成薄片(隨自己喜歡的厚度) 用剪刀將左右兩邊的膠袋剪開,把烘焙紙蓋在豬肉上面。 然後反轉,將烘焙紙放在錫紙上,再撕開上面的膠袋(用其他放法也可,將擀平的豬肉放在烘焙紙上)

Chinese Pork Jerky

Pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for 15 minutes. There will be water from the meat come out, pour it. Then brush a layer of honey on one side, then flip it over, put back to oven bake for 15 minutes more. (You can sprinkle some white sesame on top)

放入已預熱160度焗爐,焗15分鐘。15分鐘後,肉會有水流出,將水倒去。 在豬肉表面塗一層蜜汁,然後將肉反轉,再放入焗爐焗15分鐘。豬肉乾會收縮,在上面塗一層蜜汁 (蜂蜜+水拌勻),可灑上白芝麻,再放入焗爐上層,近發熱線,再焗數分鐘,反轉另一面又焗數分鐘,至肉片結實及顏色變深即成!

Chinese Pork Jerky

Then brush honey on the pork, put the tray on the top shelve of the oven, cook for few minutes,  brush some honey, then flip over. Repeat this process until the pork is dry for your desire. 

Let it cool for few minutes, then cut into small pieces. *the pork will shrink into half size.

*這個食譜可做三大片肉乾 ,可將材料份量加減


Chinese Pork Jerky

Chinese Pork Jerky
Serves 4
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
45 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
45 min
  1. 300 gram grouned pork
  2. 2 tablespoons honey
  3. 1 tablespoon water
For the Marinate
  1. 2 tablespoon soy sauce
  2. 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  3. 1 tablespoon shaoxing wine
  4. 2 tablespoons sugar
  5. 1/2 teaspoon white pepper
  6. 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  7. 1 tablespoon golden syrup
  8. 材料:
  9. 免治豬肉 450克
  10. 蜂蜜匙 -2湯匙
  11. 水 -1茶匙
  12. 醃料 :
  13. 生抽 -2湯匙
  14. 魚露 -1湯匙
  15. 玫瑰露/紹興酒 -1湯匙
  16. 糖 -2湯匙
  17. 白胡椒粉 -1/2茶匙
  18. 黑胡椒粉 - 1/2茶匙
  19. 麥芽糖或轉化糖漿 -1湯匙
  1. Marinate the grounded pork, use chopsticks to mix the grounded meat with all the seasoning for few minutes. Put it in fridge for at least 3 hours, overnight even better.
  2. Use foil wrap the baking sheet first, then put parchment paper on top.
  3. Divide the pork into 3 portions, put one portion into a plastic bag, then roll it into thin slice (thickness according to your desire).
  4. Use scissors to cut both sides of the bag, then tear it, place the pork on the parchment paper.
  5. Pop in preheated oven at 160C, bake for 15 minutes. There will be water from the meat come out, pour it. Then brush a layer of honey (mix with 1 teaspoon of water) on one side, then flip it over, put back to oven bake for 15 minutes more. (You can sprinkle some white sesame on top)
  6. Then brush honey on the pork, put the tray on the top shelve of the oven, cook for few minutes, brush some honey, then flip over. Repeat this process until the pork is dry for your desire.
  7. Let it cool for few minutes, then cut into small pieces. *the pork will shrink into half size.
  1. You can store the jerky in air-tight container for few days (in a fridge if is hot weater)
Mrs P's Kitchen
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Chinese Pork Jerky
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