Thai Pork Toast 泰式豬肉多士

In Hong Kong, we have a classic toast snack called fried prawn toast, and in Thailand there is a smiliar snack called Pork Toast. Crispy bread with delicious pork topping. It sounds a bit weird but it is surprisingly delicious. 

When French toast is sweet, these little tiny toasts are savour and spicy. Perfect snack for party and afternoon snack. Super easy to make and you will like it!

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Easy White Bread 簡單白麵包

Nothing better than the fresh baking smell in the house. We used to make white loaf with bread machine, it turned out well but still, not as good as the handmade one. Those bread that you (or your mixer) have to knead the dough and shape it. 

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Garlic Croutons 法式香蒜麵包粒

Golden, crunchy, garlic croutons, great with soup, salad or just simple snack. Very easy to make and you can make with any leftover bread, so much better than the store-bought one.

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Nutella Banana Bruschetta

This bruschetta can be snack or for breakfast. Just toast with delicious nutella and banana. As simple as that!

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