Easy Raisin Oatmeal Cookies 葡萄燕麥餅乾

Raisin Oatmeal cookies – classic cookies at all time. For me, everything add in some oatmeal is healthier and give me more reasons (or excuses) to eat more 😉

I love these raisin oatmeal cookies, chewy and full of flavour. It is very easy to make, and I love to add some cranberries in it too! Make more and you can keep in air-tight container, it will last for 2 weeks. (but only if you can keep it this long time!) Enjoy!

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Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 燕麥葡萄曲奇

This is one of my favourite cookies now, Mr P and I just totally love it! I baked 2 times in one week, that is a bit too much, but is how I show you how lovely these cookies are. Normally I don’t like oatmeal or porridge, it is just too “healthy” for me. I baked these cookies just for Mr P at first, but it smell soooo good and I taste one, then I can’t stop.

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