Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles 韓式炒粉絲

Very popular Korean dish – Stir-fried glass noodles with meat and vegetables. The noodles are so tangy, spicy but very appetizing dish that can be side dish or simple main dish.

Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles

Korean food become very popular in Hong Kong, thanks to the Korean TV drama. Everywhere you can see the Korean BBQ restaurants, local small food stores. It is almost impossible to read the language but hey food is always the common language in the world.

This Korean glass noodles is made of potato starch, they are thicker and chewier than Chinese glass noodles. The sauce is the basic Korean chilli paste which you can use it to make fried rice, rice cake, pancakes….Simply stir fry noodles with chilli sauce, and you can have this delicious, comforting bowl of noodles.

Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles




Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles

Soak the Korean glass noodles in water for 20 minutes or until softened. Then cook the noodles in boiling water for about 4 minutes, drain well.

先將韓式粉絲浸軟,再用一煲沸水煮4分鐘,瀝乾水份備用。將黑木耳, 洋蔥,紅蘿蔔切幼絲, 青蔥切段,菠菜切細。

Heat oil in hot pan, pan-fry the egg and cut it into thin slices, set aside. Add more oil in pan, cook the onion for few minutes until softened, then add black fungus and carrot cook for few minutes. Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles


Add the spinach, stir for 30 seconds, then add glass noodles and all the seasoning. Quickly stir fry everything, then add egg and spring onion and mix well. Finally sprinkle with white sesame seeds and it is done!

下粉絲及所有調味料拌勻, 最後下蔥段及蛋絲,拌勻,灑上白芝麻即成!

Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles

Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles
Serves 2
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 150 gram Korean potato starch glass noodles (dangmyeon)
  2. 2 spring onions
  3. 1/2 onion, sliced
  4. 30 gram black fungus
  5. 100 gram spinach
  6. 1 carrot
  7. 2 eggs
  8. white sesame seeds
For the Seasoning
  1. 1 -2 tablespoons Korean chilli paste
  2. 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  3. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  4. 100mlwater
  5. 材料:
  6. 韓式粉絲 -150克
  7. 洋蔥 -1/2個
  8. 青蔥 -2條
  9. 黑木耳 -30克
  10. 菠菜 -100克
  11. 紅蘿蔔 -1條
  12. 白芝麻 -適量
  13. 雞蛋 -2隻
  14. 調味料:
  15. 韓式辣醬 -1 -2湯匙
  16. 生抽 -1茶匙
  17. 鹽 -1/2茶匙
  18. 水 -100毫升
  1. Soak the Korean glass noodles in water for 20 minutes or until softened.
  2. Then cook the noodles in boiling water for about 4 minutes, drain well.
  3. Heat oil in hot pan, pan-fry the egg and cut it into thin slices, set aside.
  4. Add more oil in pan, cook the onion for few minutes until softened, then add black fungus and carrot cook for few minutes.
  5. Add the spinach, stir for 30 seconds, then add glass noodles and all the seasoning. Quickly stir fry everything, then add egg and spring onions, mix well. Finally sprinkle with white sesame seeds and it is done!
Mrs P's Kitchen https://www.mrspskitchen.net/
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Korean Stir-fried Glass Noodles
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