Korean Street Food – Sweet Pancakes (Hotteok) 韓式糖煎餅

This is one of the most popular Korean street food -Hotteok, it is like a pancake but also like a soft bread with fillings. There are sweet and savour fillings, traditionally for the sweet one is brown sugar with cinnamon. The savour one, you can make put vegetable or meat inside. Of course, you can just make whatever you like, cheese, peanut butter, nutella, chocolate….

To make this pancake, there is no oven needed, you can easily make it on stove to pan-fry it. And it is very easy to make, trust me! Try and hope you enjoy it! 

非常受歡迎的韓國街頭小食-韓式糖煎餅 Hotteok。金黃香脆的外層,香軟的煎餅內有糖餡料,非常美味!

傳統的糖煎餅是用紅糖+肉桂粉,當然可加入自己喜歡的餡料,用甜或鹹的款式都可以:芝士、花生醬、朱古力、Nutella、蔬菜、肉等,變化多多。最重要是做法簡單,不用焗,簡單煎一煎就 Ok。一定要試試,我就超喜歡!

For the filling : mix the brown sugar and cinnamon together. 

Mix sugar, 50ml milk and instant dried yeast together, let it rest for 10 minutes. In a large bowl, mix flour and salt together, then add in yeast mixture, mix well. Gradually add in milk to form a dough, you might not need to use all the milk.

Knead the dough for about 8 minutes or until the dough is smooth. You can also use stand mixer, beat on low speed for 5-8 minutes. 

Place the dough into slightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film and let it rest for at least 2 hours, the dough will double its size.

Divide the dough into 6 to 8 pieces,  add in filling of your choice, seal it and roll into ball. Press a little bit. 

Add oil in hot pan, pan-fry the dough until both sides are golden. Enjoy!


將糖、50毫升牛奶和快速乾酵母拌勻,靜置10分鐘. 將麵粉和鹽拌勻,加入酵母溶液,拌勻,然後逐少加入餘下的牛奶,拌勻成麵糰(*可能不需用全部的牛奶)


拿出麵糰,放在灑有麵粉的枱上,分成6至8份. 拿一份麵糰,搓圓、壓扁 ,包入餡料,封口,搓圓 ,再壓一壓(也可包入芝士片和花生醬)

燒熱鍋後下油,放入麵糰,壓扁 ,用中火煎每邊數分鐘至金黃色即成!

Korean Street Food – Sweet Pancakes (Hotteok)
Prep Time
45 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
1 hr
Servings: 4
  • 180 g all-purpose
  • 3 g instant dried-yeast
  • 8 g sugar
  • 160 ml milk
  • 3 g salt
  • peanut butter
  • cheese
  • 100 g brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 180 中筋麵粉
  • 3 快速乾酵母
  • 8
  • 160 毫升 牛奶
  • 3
  • 芝士片
  • 花生醬
  • 100 紅糖
  • 1 茶匙 肉桂粉
  1. For the filling : mix the brown sugar and cinnamon together. 

  2. Mix sugar, 50ml milk and instant dried yeast together, let it rest for 10 minutes. In a large bowl, mix flour and salt together, then add in yeast mixture, mix well. Gradually add in milk to form a dough, you might not need to use all the milk.

  3. Knead the dough for about 8 minutes or until the dough is smooth. You can also use stand mixer, beat on low speed for 5-8 minutes. 

  4. Place the dough into slightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film and let it rest for at least 2 hours, the dough will double its size.

  5. Divide the dough into 6 to 8 pieces, add in filling of your choice, seal it and roll into ball. Press a little bit. 

  6. Add oil in hot pan, pan-fry the dough until both sides are golden. Enjoy!

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Korean Street Food - Sweet Pancakes (Hotteok)
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