Easy Sesame Seeds Candy 芝麻糖

CATEGORIES | 26th June 2020 | By

I remember when I was kid, I always love the sesame candy, with peanut. They are so crunch and smell so nice (from the sesame seeds) . Sesame seeds are important for immune system function, including zinc, selenium, copper, iron, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. So you are having a candy but also good for you ! HAHA

This is the Chinese version recipe, we use maltose, it has very mild flavour, very sticky. I never use anything to substitute maltose, cause nothing really get close to the texture. But free feel to try honey, but the taste and texture will be different.



Toast the sesame seeds for few minutes, set aside.

In a sauce pan, add in maltose, sugar and water, cook under medium heat and reach 125-130C, then remove the heat immediately. If you don’t have thermometer, you can cook until boiling and big bubble form, then add a drop of syrup in a bowl of water, if it harden quickly, that means is ok.

Add in sesame seeds and nuts, mix it together quickly, then pour on parchment paper. Then roll the surface until even, let it rest for few minutes. Cut into small pieces while it still hot. (It is very hard to cut when is cool down and will break into pieces)

*This recipe can make around 30 candies

*You can store it in air tight container for about 1 to 2 weeks.



倒入芝麻和果仁,快速拌勻,然後倒在烘焙紙上. 再用擀麵棒擀平表面,待數分鐘,然後趁還是熱時,將芝麻糖切件(*因為如果涼了,很難切開和會碎)


Easy Sesame Seeds Candy
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
20 mins
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: candy, sesame seeds
Servings: 4
  • 250 g Black / White sesame seeds
  • 70 g Nuts
  • 180 g Maltose
  • 130 g Sugar
  • 75 ml Water
  1. Toast the sesame seeds for few minutes, set aside.

  2. In a sauce pan, add in maltose, sugar and water, cook under medium heat and reach 125-130C, then remove the heat immediately. If you don’t have thermometer, you can cook until boiling and big bubble form, then add a drop of syrup in a bowl of water, if it harden quickly, that means is ok.

  3. Add in sesame seeds and nuts, mix it together quickly, then pour on parchment paper. Then roll the surface until even, let it rest for few minutes. Cut into small pieces while it still hot. (It is very hard to cut when is cool down and will break into pieces)

  4. *This recipe can make around 30 candies

    *You can store it in air tight container for about 1 to 2 weeks.

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Easy Sesame Seeds Candy
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