Kimchi & Cheese Stir-fried Udon 泡菜芝士炒烏冬

15-min recipe again! YAY! During hot summer, I really don’t feel spending too much time in the kitchen. So I always love the QUICK, EASY, YUMMY recipes.

This stir-fried udon is one of my favourite, you can add anything you have in the fridge. Add some kimchi, little bit spicy, make it even yummier!  At the end, add in a slice of cheese, well…you know you will love it! Enjoy!


Add oil in hot pan, cook the onion, then add in bacon, cook for one minute. Then add in kimchi, cook for one minute. 

Add in udon, enoki mushrooms and all the seasoning, stir fry for one to two minutes. 

Add in a slice of cheese, mix well. Enjoy!



下烏冬 (可先煮熟)、金菇和調味料,炒一至兩分鐘。



Kimchi & Cheese Stir-fried Udon
Prep Time
5 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
15 mins
Servings: 2
  • 2 packs udon
  • 1/4 onion
  • 150 g bacon
  • 100 g kimchi
  • enoki mushrooms
  • 1 slice cheese
  • 2 烏冬
  • 1/4 洋蔥
  • 150 煙肉
  • 100 泡菜
  • 適量 金菇菜
  • 1 芝士
  1. Add oil in hot pan, cook the onion, then add in bacon, cook for one minute. Then add in kimchi, cook for one minute. 

  2. Add in udon, enoki mushrooms and all the seasoning, stir fry for one to two minutes. 

  3. Add in a slice of cheese, mix well. Enjoy!


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Kimchi & Cheese Stir-fried Udon
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