Golden Kimchi Gyoza 黃金泡菜煎餃子

OK guys, this is my ultimate gyoza recipe that you can’t miss! I always make it and store in freezer, so I can have it whenever I crave for gyoza. Normal Japanese gyoza filled with pork and cabbage, they are delicious with crispy bottom. But…this kimchi gyoza is the goal!!!! Pork with Kimchi, sour, spicy and so delicious!

It is very easy to have a golden crispy gyoza bottom, just follow few easy steps and you can make the gyoza better than you have in the restaurants!



Cut kimchi into small pieces, mix the kimchi, kimchi juice, pork and all seasoning together. Marinate for 30 minutes.

Put a teaspoon of filling in the middle of the wrapper, dip your finger with some water and dip it at the edge of the wrapper. Fold the wrapper in half and seal the top, fold it together and pleat it, each side about 3 -4 pleats. 

Sprinkle some flour on the plate and put gyoza on it. Heat oil in hot pan, then place the gyoza, add 100 ml water then put the lid on. Cook on high heat for 3 minutes, half of the water will evaporated. Then add some sesame oil and keep pan-fry it until the bottom is golden and crispy. 


將醃料放在餃子皮中間,用手指點些,在皮邊塗一點水(不要太多)將兩面對摺,但不要黏著,然後先從右面打3 至4摺. 然後再從左面打摺,然後黏合。放在灑有麵粉的碟上.

燒熱鍋後下油,然後下餃子,整齊排好,加100毫升水,蓋上鍋蓋,用中火煮三分鐘. 打開鍋蓋,一半的水會蒸發,下香油,然後繼續煎餃子至水份全乾, 餃子底部煎至金黃色即成!

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