Healthy Chocolate Banana Milkshake 香蕉朱古力奶昔

CATEGORIES, Drinks | 29th June 2018 | By

So…Mr P is on healthy diet these months, try to lose few pounds 😉 Everything we eat at home, try to be less carbs, low fat and high protein. It is not too difficult, weather is hot and don’t feel like eating too much anyway. The most challenging part is when he craving for snack, but snack can be healthy too.

This is one of the favourite ”snacks” that he enjoys so much, a very healthy, filling and high protein milkshake. Use banana to give the milkshake sweetness and creaminess, cocoa powder for the flavour, plus some chocolate protein powder. There you go, healthy, low fat and super delicious milkshake! Perfect drinks for summer! 

Mr P 近來開始了減肥計劃,盡量少吃碳水化合物、低糖、高蛋白質。最困難的就是想吃零食的時候,要控制食慾,最好是吃點飽肚的東西。這個健康的奶昔就最適合,加入香蕉令奶昔更Creamy,如要健康點,可加入有機花生醬(不加糖),我還加了蛋白粉在內,那就更健康囉~


Cut the banana into small pieces, add everything into a blender. Blend until smooth! Yes it is this easy! Enjoy! 😛 

將香蕉切小塊,將所有材料放入攪拌機內, 用中速打發拌勻即成! 

Healthy Chocolate Banana Milk
Prep Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
Servings: 1
  • 1 banana
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 240 ml milk
  • 1 香蕉
  • 4 冰塊
  • 2 湯匙 可可粉
  • 1 湯匙 花生醬
  • 240 毫升 牛奶
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Healthy Chocolate Banana Milkshake
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