Coconut Mango Pudding 椰汁芒果布甸

Yeah summer is here! All the delicious fruits are in season , especially my favourite MANGO!!!! Mangos are very sweet and perfect for making dessert. Mango pudding is the most popular dessert to make, creamy, refreshing and delicious!

This is one of the easiest desserts to make, no jelly powder needed which mean all are natural and fresh mango flavour. Perfect dessert for summer party!

夏天到,又是芒果的季節。這個免焗甜品,充滿香濃的茫果,加入椰汁,清新不膩。 這個食譜不用下啫哩粉,全部用新鮮芒果肉,更新鮮更好味 !


Put the mango into a blender and make it as puree. 

Add water in a sauce pan, under medium heat. Then add in water and cook until dissolved. Add in coconut milk, mix well. 

Add extra 40ml water with gelatine powder, then put in a bowl of hot water to dissolve it. 

Add gelatine into mango puree, mix well, then add in coconut milk mixture.  Pour into containers and chill for at least 4 hours. Enjoy!




加入魚膠粉溶液和芒果蓉拌勻, 再加入椰汁內. 倒入容器內,待涼後放入雪櫃最少四個小時即成!

Coconut Mango Pudding
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
20 mins
Servings: 4
  • 270 g mango
  • 80 g sugar
  • 16 g gelatine powder
  • 120 ml water
  • 250 ml coconut cream/milk
  • 270 芒果肉
  • 80
  • 16 魚膠粉
  • 120 毫升
  • 250 毫升 椰汁
  1. Put the mango into a blender and make it as puree. 

  2. Add water in a sauce pan, under medium heat. Then add in water and cook until dissolved. Add in coconut milk, mix well. 

  3. Add extra 40ml water with gelatine powder, then put in a bowl of hot water to dissolve it. 

  4. Add gelatine into mango puree, mix well, then add in coconut milk mixture. Pour into containers and chill for at least 4 hours. Enjoy!

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Coconut Mango Pudding
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